Thursday 31 May 2012

The Tiefling

The Tiefling:

Description: Tieflings vary widely in appearance, depending on their particular forefathers, but most tieflings in Cheliax possess infernal characteristics such as red skin, glowing yellow eyes or visible horns. Some tieflings have appearances that are close enough to the human norm that they may pass for human with careful disguises, others cannot.

Personality: While it is difficult to generalize about any particular race, it is fair to say that Tieflings are marked by a well-earned hesistation to trust others and by deep cynicism towards society in general. They additionally must also deal with the dark temptations of their heritage- some tieflings find it easy to resist the dark calling and others find it irresistable. Infernal tieflings tend to be marked by a desire to "game the system" and by a startling knowledge of the loopholes and exceptions that might protect them lest they run into trouble with the law.

Racial Affinities:
Tieflings do not have any particular racial affinities, as they are virtually equally shunned by all races as tainted by fiend blood. They are most commonly found, however, in human cities and learn how to live in a world dominated by their human cousins.

Environment: Tieflings can exist anywhere, but are mostly found in cities, where they sometimes form closely-knit communities and networks for mutual protection. In Egorian and Westcrown, there is a walled ghetto where tieflings who lack protection from a powerful house are forced to live in poverty and misery.

Racial Traits and Affinities:
Darkvision: Tieflings possess flawless vision in total darkness to 60 feet, but require a round to adapt between regular sight and darkvision. 

Infernal Resistances: Devil-spawned Tieflings (the norm in Cheliax) possess damage resistance of 5 against fire and a +2 bonus to saving throws against poison and mind-affecting magic. 
Infernal Magic: Tieflings are capable of casting any two 0-level spells and any one of the following spells once per day each, at a caster level equal to their character level: burning hands, cause fear, change self or darkness.

Languages: Common, Infernal
Size: Medium
Movement: 30 feet
Typical Classes: Assassin, Rogue
Attribute Modifier: +1 Constitution, +1 to any attribute other than Constitution or Charisma, -2 Charisma

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