Sunday 27 May 2012

House Rules (Player Classes)

House Rules (Player Classes)

Assassin: A successful Case Target gives the Assassin a +1 bonus to attack rolls against that opponent. The Assassin's bonus to saves against poison increases at 6th, 9th and at 12th level, they become immune to poison.  Assassins can use their Dexterity bonus to modify their Initiative rolls.

Barbarian: The Barbarian's Whirlwind Attack ability can be used on opponents of any hit dice.  

Bard: Bards can speak Cant (as per Rogues and Assassins) and are entitled to take one of the skill-based abilities of another class, such as Pick Pockets or Traps. 

Cleric: Clerics of particular deities gain special bonuses related to their faith. If you choose a Cleric character, the CK and you will sort out the details. Typically, it takes the form of a special ability or a few static bonuses, and access to additional spells. 

Druid: Druids gain the Animal Empathy ability, which allows them to make Wisdom checks to adjust the attitudes of an animal, much as another character would make a Charisma check to modify the attitudes of a person. Druids are allowed to use cold iron weapons if they can access them.

Fighter: At any time, a Fighter can choose to ignore their inherent 1st level +1 bonus to attack rolls in favor of inflicting +1 additional damage or gaining +1 AC. At 5th level, they can take a -2 penalty to attack rolls to gain +2 to damage or AC.

Illusionist: At 3rd level, the Illusionist gains the ability to use the Mind Trick ability, which grants them a +4 bonus to Charisma checks when dealing with one individual for a number of minutes equal to their level. They can use this ability 1 + Intelligence modifier times per day. 

Knight: Knights have the ability to issue a Combat Challenge, forcing an opponent to make a Charisma save or be compelled to fight the Knight in single combat. They can use this ability once per combat encounter. Knights receive a 50% bonus to starting gold.

Monk: The Monk's AC is modified by Constitution as well as Dexterity. 

Paladin:  The Paladin's smite evil ability targets a specific opponent, and all attacks against that specific opponent inflict smite damage until that enemy is killed. The smite evil ability can be used for ranged attacks as well as melee ones.

Ranger: Rangers gain the Animal Empathy ability, which allows them to make a Wisdom check to attempt to adjust the attitude of an animal much as other classes would make a Charisma check to adjust attitudes of humanoids. If desired, instead of getting their Combat Marauder bonuses against giants and humanoids, they can choose one other type of monster, such as extraplanars, undead, dragons or a demihuman race to gain the attack bonus to.

Rogue: A Rogue's Decipher Script ability can be used to cast arcane spells and use magical items at the -10 penalty as set in the PHB. At 2nd level, Rogues gain a +1 bonus to AC provided they use class-appropriate armour, and at 6th level, they gain the Evasion ability, allowing them to avoid all damage from blast weapons if they make their save. Rogues can use their Dexterity bonus to modify their Initiative rolls.

Wizard: The Wizard can use an Intelligence check to attempt reading or identifying magical items, with the spells read magic and identify simply guaranteeing success. Wizards with 10 Intelligence have a 50% chance of learning new spells from scrolls, which is modified by 5% per point of Intelligence, so that a Wizard of 14 Intelligence has a 70% chance of learning spells from scrolls. This chance of success does not go above 95%. 

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