Saturday 26 May 2012

Player Races in Cheliax

Player Races in Cheliax: 

Human: Humans make up the overwhelming majority of Cheliax's population and Chelish officials tend to be somewhat prejudiced in favor of humans, though as racism is frowned upon by ancient Chelish law, such prejudices are usually expressed subtly rather than openly. Humans of all ethnicities live in Cheliax, though the vast majority of them are ethnic Chelish. The ethnic Chelish are usually fair of skin, but possess dark hair and either green or amber eyes. Any prejudices towards other human ethnicities are based entirely on perceptions of how "civilized" an ethnic group is, rather than outward determinants, with "civilized" peoples such as Taldans and Keleshites facing little difficulty in Chelaxian society while the traditionally nomadic Varisians and Kellids might face considerable snobbery from ethnic Chelish.
Dwarves: Dwarves are not common in Cheliax, and most of those that do dwell in Cheliax are traders, emissaries and merchants from other lands, living in the major Chelish cities such as Westcrown and the capital Egorian. They are typically regarded as somewhat boorish and dour by Chelaxians but are also highly respected for their crafting and martial skills. It is perhaps accurately said that a Chelaxian welcomes the presence of one Dwarf, but would disdain the presence of many of them.

Elves:  The Elves, who often evidence a mercurial nature, often exhibit a philosophy which is deeply in contrast to the Chelish reliance on complete law and order. All the same, the ancient wisdom and magical insights of Elves are recognized and Elven wizards are highly sought after by powerful Chelish nobles. There are very few elves in Egorian, but several thousand living in Westcrown, where they are prominent in the Chelaxian Academy of Magical Arts.

Half-Elf:  Half-Elves are simultaneously somewhat disdained and highly desired- very few half-elves are any less than highly attractive and are much in demand as lovers by the jaded, decadent Chelaxian nobility. Their natural attractiveness and charisma also puts them in good stead for careers in the wildly varied world of Chelaxian theatre. It is all too often assumed that a half-elf encountered randomly is some sort of actor or courtesan and their aspirations in other fields are often derided. While they are accepted well enough in a narrow range of trades, half-elven Chelaxians must daily deal with the stereotypes forced upon them.

Half-Orc: Half-Orcs often come from barbarous lands and are also deeply ugly to the average human taste- and the Chelish are obsessive about the trappings of civilization and beauty. Still, their natural strength and ferocity is much appreciated by those looking for a strong sword arm and half-orcs can often find a profitable career as hired muscle for one of the Chelaxian noble houses. The average Chelaxian will likely assume a half-orc they meet on the street is a violent ruffian and avoid them studiously. The authorities often discriminate against half-orcs, as they are seen as inherently violent.

Halfling:  The Halflings are the second most common humanoid race in Cheliax and the ones with the lowest status- the majority of halflings in Cheliax are slaves and most of those that are not slaves were slaves a generation or two again. The widespread disdain of non-Chelish individuals often becomes open when halflings are involved- they are widely seen as weak both in body and will and not worth the respect that is extended, grudgingly, to powerful races like the elves or dwarves. About ten percent of the population of Cheliax are halflings, with four-fifths of them being slaves to various Chelish noble families.

Gnome:  Gnomes are little-known by most Chelaxians, despite one of the largest gnomish settlements in the entire world being located in Chelaxian territory. Gnomes are frequently mistaken for elven children or for halflings, and many gnomes face themselves having to carry proof that they are indeed gnomish- for the gnomes are respected as craftsmen and illusionists to a degree that halflings simply are not.

Tiefling: One might imagine that in an empire controlled by diabolic interests, that tieflings might be honoured or even exalted above humans. The reality is quite the opposite- the Chelaxian position is that the forces of Hell serve Chelaxian interests, not the other way around and tieflings are disdained as visible proof that not all Chelish are capable of resisting diabolic influence. They are uniquely common in Cheliax, however, and many of them are hardened by their experiences of discrimination and hatred, either to hatred Chelaxian society or into an almost masochistic desire to succeed within it.

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