Saturday 26 May 2012

The Tomb of Varrus (Recap)

The Relics of Varrus and the Chelish Ascension

In the fall of the year, 4709, a band of adventurers operating near the disputed city of Argadav in Isger were commissioned by a mysterious organization to investigate the tomb of Varrus, an early pregenitor of the Chelaxian ruling house and retrieve various relics from within. Once there, they discovered signs of recent diabolic activity and finally were forced to battle with the monstrously bloated soul-shell of Varrus himself. Emerging triumphant and with Varrus' relics intact, they emerged from the tomb, straight into the arm of a company of Chelaxian Hellknights. 

Fortunately for our heroes, the Hellknights were contented with the delivery of the relics and allowed the party to leave unmolested and in possession of what goods they had removed from the tomb other than Varrus's relics. It turned out that the relics were more valuable than they had previously been told- the items were only moderately valuable magical weapons to most but possessed powerful magic linked directly to the bloodline of House Thrune, the ruling dynasty of Imperial Cheliax. While the adventurers wintered in Argadav, no doubt in preparation to dispersal and return to their respective homelands, the relics were delivered to Egorian and presented in grand style to Queen Abrogail III. 

 No one could have predicted the reaction of the Chelish ruler to the recovery of the relics. It appears that they were taken as a divine sign that the long decline of Cheliax had come to an end. Whatever the truth of Abrogail's possession of the relics of Varrus, it is clear that they either triggered or contributed to a signal change in Chelaxian policy. The troubled client states of Isger and Korvosa were annexed to Cheliax and Chelish armies turned against their long-time allies in Nidal, forcing the Umbral Court to take sanctuary in Uskwood. 

For a band of would-be adventurers wintering in Argadava, these events were of little immediate import, though Argadava was in Isger and Chelaxian forces occupied that city as well. Unless they specifically sought trouble with the new regime however, the adventurers that returned the relics of Varrus were left alone, until agents of the Chelaxian Queen arrived in the city, intent on delivering a note of thanks from the Chelish Queen herself and an invitation to the capital of Egorian to a heroes' reception. 

Refusing the hospitality of the ruler of Avistan's most powerful nation would be foolhardy indeed, but what could the Queen of Cheliax want with a motley band of adventurers? 

 How much value do heroes have in an empire of the damned?

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