Saturday 26 May 2012

Player Classes in Cheliax

Player Classes in Cheliax: 

Assassin: A Chelaxian subject might tell you that there is no place for assassins in Chelish society and find the very insinuation insulting, and yet there is ample work for men and women skilled in the art of murder for hire. Assassins are used to keeping a low profile and quickly learn where to find guilds or noble patrons who can protect them, particularly from the attentions of zealous young Hellknights. 

Barbarian:  The boundless rage and crudity of most barbarians is deeply unappealing to Chelaxians and barbarians will generally be socially shunned, though their awe-inspiring might is occasionally a valued asset, particularly when a Chelish noble might desire to frighten potential foes as much as simply destroy them. Barbarians are treated as exotic, sometimes valuable but dangerous creatures- little better than animals and never as reliable subjects.

Bard: There is probably not a country in the world so addicted to the arts and entertainment as the Chelaxians are and bards can become heroes and celebrities of a sort in Cheliax and if they are also capable of spying and fighting? All the better. Bards are respected, even loved, but rarely trusted by the Chelish. Chelish bards usually use song and dance rather than oratory or musical instruments- the Chelish aesthetic about music favoring the human voice above all other instruments.

Cleric: Clerics of Asmodeus have a status of automatic respect and entitlement that few in Chelaxian society can hope to match- but what often surprises foreigners raised on terrifying stories of diabolic Cheliax is that virtually every faith is represented in Cheliax. Followers and clergy of other faiths are expected to pay at least lip service to the cult of Asmodeus but are allowed to carry on their faiths provided they do not disrupt social order. Deities and faiths with a lawful bent are particularly accepted and even welcome- in general, a lawful good deity is more accepted than a chaotic evil one. 

Druid: Druids are not common in Cheliax and are generally treated with suspicion in the great cities of Egorian and Westcrown, but the country folk often revere anyone with demonstrated power over nature, even if they often deeply misinterpret the purpose and philosophy of the druid. Like clerics, Druids who are lawful in their bent are more welcome than those who embrace the inherent chaos of nature.

Fighter:  Little can be said about "fighters" as a whole, except that a talented man at arms is always a valuable commodity in the bloody games of the Chelish nobility and can rise to high station in the Chelaxian military. Those fighters who are disciplined will be, as a rule, more accepted than those who are not and previous military experience is usually regarded highly. 

Illusionist: The mysterious skills of the illusionist are well-suited to the cloak-and-dagger schemes of the Chelish nobility but their magic tends to be distrusted in comparison to the disciplined, arcane study of wizards. Illusionists are largely used to remaining quiet, however and will find themselves with no shortage of work in Cheliax.  

Knight:  Any warrior with the skill to inspire and lead and the social status allowing them to be equipped as a knight is a valued individual in Chelaxian society, able to find a place as a leader of a noble's retainers or a position of command in the Chelish armies. Many nobles are knights themselves and often favor those who adopt the unique ruthless chivalry common to Cheliax.

Monk:  The martial discipline that monks apply to their unique trade is deeply impressive to the Chelaxian mind and the practice of unarmed combat has become more popular in Cheliax as of late. There are a number of important orders of fighting monks in Cheliax, with the most prominent of them being the Sisters of the Golden Erinyes, who supply the personal bodyguard of Queen Abrogail herself.

Paladin: One would imagine that paladins would not be welcome in Chelix, infested with devils as it is- and yet, many paladins find that their efforts are welcome, provided they are directed towards targets that are congenial to state interests. It also helps that the most popular deity of paladins, Iomedae, was of Chelish descent herself and even as oppressed and devil-infested as Cheliax undoubtedly is, it is regarded as a sin to summarily dismiss such a glorious part of Chelish history. 

Ranger: Rangers are valued for their practical skills in Cheliax and are often pressed into service to act as scouts and commandoes for the Chelaxian military. As a whole, the Chelaxians have little love for wilderness itself and those rangers who stringently defend the natural world might find themselves at odds with the Chelish authorities. Untamed nature, like untamed people, is considered dangerous to the Chelish mind and those who would defend desolation are regarded as almost traitorous.

Rogue: While thieves cannot expect kind treatment in Chelaxian courts, the fact is that stealth and guile are skills in exceedingly high demand in Cheliax and that crime is rampant in the great cities- no matter how much the Chelaxian authorities like to claim the existence of perfect order in their streets. The reputation of a rogue depends on their skills but also on who they work for- who is willing to protect them from the authorities if necessary.

Wizard: Of all classes, perhaps none is so widely admired and simultaneously feared as that of wizards. Wizards are imagined, rightly or wrongly as being inherently disciplined and rigid in their study and methods- traits highly agreeable to the Chelish mind. Any wizard of talent and power will find themselves able to command a very high price indeed for their services. The Chelaxian court is rumoured to have three dozen powerful wizards in their direct employ and over a hundred full-fledged wizards teach at the Chelaxian Academy of the Magical Arts in Westcrown.

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