Sunday 27 May 2012

House Rules (General)

House Rules (General):

0-level spells 0-level spells are not expended when they are cast, and can be cast effectively, an unlimited number of times.

Attribute Advancement: At levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20, characters gain +1 to place in any of their prime attributes.

Automatic Success/Failure: A roll of a natural 20 on any roll is a success as long as it is even slightly conceivable. For example, one could not succeed in jumping across a 100-ft canyon, but one could potentially resist the charm spell of a 20th-level wizard or avoid a powerful trap. A roll of a natural 1 on any roll is an automatic failure.

Critical Hit/Fumble:  In combat, a roll of a natural 20 is a critical hit as long as the natural 20 was not required to hit the target. This roll inflicts maximum potential damage and occasions another roll to see if an injury is inflicted on the enemy. A critical fumble in an attack roll is an automatic failure and a d10 roll must be made to see if the weapon is dropped or breaks. Ordinary monsters are incapable of making critical hits- but "elite" and high-level ones can. 

First Aid: Anyone can make a Wisdom check to attempt first aid upon themselves once per day, if they are successful, they heal 1d4+1 hit points of damage. Clerics, Rangers and Druids make the same check, but if succcessful, they can cure 1d6+Wis modifier damage, and they can do this 1 + Wis modifier times per day. 

Injuries: Whenever a character loses 50% of their hit points in combat or suffers a critical hit from an enemy, they must make a d10 roll to see if they have incurred an additional injury. When brought to 0 hit points, they sustain another injury. Injuries can be healed with cure spells, but then those spells will not heal any hit point damage. Injuries require two weeks of healing time to disappear on their own. If the same Injury is sustained more than once, it becomes a Serious Injury, which requires four weeks healing time to recover.

Non-Prime Skills: All classes gain a +3 bonus for any class skills that are not covered by a prime, as opposed to the +6 bonus they would get for any skills covered by a prime attribute. 

Racial Skills: All races add half of their character level as a bonus with abilities such as an elf's ability to move silently or a half-orc's ability to track by scent.

Fumble Dice
1: Weapon is broken and is useless. 
2-3: Weapon is damaged and all further attacks are made at a -2 penalty until it is repaired. 
4-5: Weapon is dropped. A standard action must be spent recovering it. 
6-10: No effect. 

Injury Dice
1: Concussion. Suffer -2 penalty to Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom. 
Major Injury: Unconsciousness

2: Bleeding Wound: Suffer 1 hp loss per turn for 1d8 rounds. 
Major Injury: Suffer 2 hp loss per turn for 1d12 rounds. 

3: Injured Arm: Suffer -2 penalty to attack rolls using that arm, cannot hold shield in arm. 
Major Injury: Arm is completely useless. 

4: Injured Leg: Movement speed reduced by 10.
Major Injury: Unable to walk. 

5: Unsightly Wound: Suffer -2 penalty to Charisma. 
Major Injury: Suffer -4 penalty to Charisma.

6: Chest Injury: Suffer -2 penalty to all rolls. 
Major Injury: Suffer -2 penalty, can only move or take an action, not both.

7:  Internal Bleeding: Suffer -2 penalty to Constitution. 
Major Injury: Suffer -4 penalty to Constitution. 

8-10: No injury suffered. 

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