Monday 11 June 2012

The City of Argadava

The City of Argadava

Argadava (LN large city)
Population: 37,600
Demographics: (racial) 83% human*, 11% halfling, 6% other
                             (class) 4% have class levels, 1504 individuals total
Authority Figures: 
Governor Marcellus Thrune (prince-governor of Isger)
Mayor Celene Arodis (mayor of Argadava)
Master of Blades Adom Krupt (commander of the Hellknights in Isger)
*= Most humans are ethnic Chelish

Argadava was the largest city, though not the capital of the troubled realm of Isger, located on the border between that land and Cheliax. However, as of last year, Cheliax has conquered the entirely of Isger and Argadava is now a Chelish city. Significantly larger and wealthier than the city of Elidir, Cheliax has made it into the capital for Isger Province and a showpiece for the order and stability that the Empire of Cheliax creates in all of its vast domains. Though on the surface, Argadava is seeing good times, there are dark signs of encroaching diabolic influence in Argadava. 

Prominent locations in the City of Argadava

Antonine Fortress: Established originally some centuries ago by the famed Chelaxian general Antonius Varrus, it has been refurbished into a formidable fortress over the centuries and currently serves as the headquarters of Chelaxian forces in Isger, housing about fifty Hellknights as well as about 1,000 Chelaxian regulars at any one time. 

Boneyard:  The city's graveyard has traditionally been a relatively safe harbour, though there are dark rumours that at night, undead horrors have arisen in the city- said by some to be a consequence of the diabolical darkness that has fallen upon Argadava. Gamaliel Phocas, a cleric of Pharasma has allegedly been seeking adventurers to rid the Boneyard of its miasmic presence of undead. 

Celene's Estate: The Mayor of Argadava is a direct elected representative of the people and Celene seems to take that responsibility seriously, doing her best to mitigate the draconian laws and cruel hearts of Argadava's Chelish overlords. She is always trying to solve problems in the city through creative means, rather than resort to asking Krupt or Thrune to use what would assuredly be cruel and bloody methods. 

The Crystal Ball: The Crystal Ball is a local fortune teller who also provides spell components and a few basic potions and scrolls for sale. It’s proprietor, Marius Encartan is known to be somewhat distrustful of the new regime but has resolved to keep quiet. He is a 3rd level wizard, but all of his prepared spells are geared towards the manufacture of potions and the identification of magical items.  

Items for Sale:
Antidote: (50 gp each, 4 in stock) Removes one poison.
Potions of +2 Attribute: (1 of each attribute available, last for 2d4 rounds, 250 gp each) Grant a bonus of +2 to all rolls related to attribute of choice.
Potions of Cure Light Wounds: (5 available, 100 gp each) Cure 1d8+1 hit points damage
Spell Components: (good for 10 spells, 50 gp each) A mixture of spell components for any spells that require material components not of a special value.

Dead Dog Tavern: The Dead Dog Tavern is a somewhat infamous tavern and flophouse that caters towards criminals, adventurers and other socially dubious individuals. It is known for serving rotgut aquavit (distilled grain liquor) at cheap prices and for having postings for various unsavory jobs. Vlassik, a 6th-level halfling rogue, occupies a secret meeting room and is the head of the thieves' guild in Argadava. If you gain access to Vlassik's secret room, he is known to sell poisons, alchemical fire and other useful items.

Marcellus' Estate: The grandest estate in Argadava has now been occupied by Marcellus Thrune, the governor of Isger and the kinsman of Cheliax's Empress, Abrogail Thrune. He appears obsessed with order and stability at all prices and there are persistent rumours that he has bonded a powerful devil to do his will in the city.

Market Square:  Located in the midst of the city, Market Square is a well-known hodgepodge of all manner of shops, taverns and other establishments, selling everything imaginable, from fine textiles and spices to slaves and weaponry. 

Nori's Hammers N' Helmets: Nori Blackhelm is a dwarven blacksmith of some repute and his store stocks a wide variety of weapons and armour. Available for commission at a premium price (usually 10x listed price) are masterwork weapons which inflict +1 damage upon a successful hit. 

Temple of Abadar: The established and long-favored faith of the city of Argadava, the Church of Abadar has lost many adherents with the Chelaxian conquest of Isger but has remained probably the largest faith in Argadava. Keeper of the Key Horatio Alger has adapted well to the new regime, emphasizing the lawfulness of the Church of Abadar and has gone a long way towards reducing the flow of followers to the faith of Asmodeus. An Andoran by birth, he is well-aware that the eye of Cheliax is on him.

Temple of Iomedae: Once a popular faith in the city of Argadava, most of the faithful of Iomedae have either left the city or turned towards other religions. Father Iseph, the sole remaining Priest of Iomedae in the city is actually a fighter/cleric (6/3 levels) and is unsure as to whether he should continue in Argadava or head north to fight the demonic forces of the Worldwound.

Temple of Asmodeus: Established shortly after the Thrune Ascension, the Church of Asmodeus has found their membership swelling as citizens of Argadava have been flooding into the diabolic faith, hoping to curry political favor with Chelaxian authorities or spiritual favor with the Prince of Darkness. The newly installed Arch-Heathen of Isger Province, Asmodia Trellis, is an ambitious woman who has also been dabbling in sorcery. Animal sacrifices as well as voluntary blood offerings are made in the Temple frequently, though, at least as far as anyone knows, no true human sacrifice has been made.

Tomb of Varrus: Located outside of the city, about a day's travel away, the Tomb of Varrus was recently entered into by a group of adventurers and treasures removed from it. These treasures have been moved to Egorian in Cheliax, though some mysteries about the Tomb remain ... 

Tragare Ironworks: The largest manufactory in Isger, the Tragare Ironworks, located just outside of the city proper, is one of the Inner Sea's largest steel mills, turning out huge quantities of high-quality steel which make their way into Chelish weapons and armour. Approximately 3,000 people are employed in the Ironworks, and its owner, Adrianus Tragare is the wealthiest and one of the most powerful individuals in town. There are rumours that the Ironworks have been having trouble with goblins in recent weeks. 

And many more ...

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