Wednesday 1 August 2012


The Governor of Isger Province, Marcellus Thrune, has directed the party to investigate and eliminate the monstrous presence keeping the Tregare Ironworks from being reopened, obliquely referring to important schematics within the mill that had to be preserved at all costs. The party successfully entered the compound, slaying several goblins, a minotaur and finally the supposed leader of the occupying force, a fiendish half-troll known as Jolun. Through treasure liberated from Jolun, the party was able to call up a glabrezu demon, which gave them some important insight, which combined with their observations, make it brutally clear that Cheliax has learned the secret of manufacturing cannon. 

With the schematics in hand, it is time for the party to return to make their report with Governor Thrune ... and figure out what to do with the knowledge gained from the infiltration of the Ironworks. 

Ascension Day: 

Precisely one week from today, on the first of Arodus, Abrogail II, Empress of Cheliax will reach the age of majority and no longer need the services of her regent and primary advisor, General Gorthoklek , rumoured to in fact be an ancient and powerful devil. To mark her eighteenth birthday, elaborate celebrations are to be held throughout her vast domain, with great festivals occuring in all of the cities to mark the momentous occasion. As the Governor of Isger Province and a kinsman of the young Empress, Marcellus Thrune is expected to join the lead of the other governors of the Empire and throw a lavish festival, inevitably making the delicate political situation even more strained. 

The Vontalot:

To make things even more tense in the city, Imperial negotiators are meeting with emissaries of the Vontalot, a mysterious race of dragon-men, to secure their continued mercenary service in the imperial military. The Vontalot emissaries can be found in the currently-empty estate of Lady Aspell Senara, who is currently out of the country and serving in the Mendev Crusade. It is said that the Vontalot, while staunchly neutral in most political affairs of men, are somewhat concerned about the rapidly waxing power of Cheliax. Their independence has historically rested on their location between Cheliax and Andoran, and the elimination of balance might hinder their own interests ... 

Trouble in the Boneyard:

There have been a series of high-profile grave robberies and a pair of murders in Argadava's cemetary, named after the goddess Pharasma's Boneyard, and it is rumoured that there is a necromancer operating within the should-be hallowed ground. Families of the desecrated deceased nobles in question are willing to offer a large sum for anyone who is able to end these troubles.  

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