Saturday 11 August 2012

The City of Westcrown

The City of Westcrown

Westcrown (N Metropolis, 2nd largest in Avistan)
Population: 604,213
Demographics: (racial) 87% human*, 9% halfling, 4% other
                             (class) 3% have class levels, 18,126 in total
Authority Figures: 
Governor Cecaelia Jeggare
Mayor Marcus Adronicus
Lady of Blades Selene Wolfstongue
*= Most humans are ethnic Chelish

Of all of the cities of the Inner Sea region of Golarion, only Absalom is larger than Westcrown and once upon a time, the two cities were nearly the same size. Though it is by far Cheliax's largest city (Egorian, the capital, has less than half of the population), it is also one that has been victim to a steady decline since the death of Aroden and the Thrune Ascendancy. Westcrown has increasingly become a hub of discontent, with relatively minor and disfavored noble houses retreating to the slowly-decaying megalopolis to achieve success in a place where the Thrunes never really extended their control fully. 

If real resistence to the Thrune Imperium were ever to arise within Cheliax, it would likely be here, where the promise of Aroden, who had chosen Westcrown as his city, has never been forgotten and where the Thrunes have never truly won the obedience of the restive populace. 

Prominent Locations in Westcrown: 

Ascension Square: It is here, in the grand central market of Westcrown, that Aroden first came to live amongst the Chelaxians and direct the Even-Tongued Crusade which saw nearly bloodless conquests of Andoran, Nidal, Isger, Molthune and Galt. There is still a grand temple of Aroden that seems oddly resistant to the effects of neglect, as well as a gigantic and sprawling marketplace that is larger than the entire city of Argadava. All manner of goods and services may be purchased here, and there are even dealers in magical items present in Ascension Square. 

The Winter Palace: Legally, Westcrown is still a co-capital of the Empire of Cheliax and the Empress should be residing in the Winter Palace for half of the year. However, that is most decidedly not the case, as Abrogail II in particular has made her hatred of the city perfectly clear- a sentiment that is returned by many of the citizens of Westcrown. From time to time, however, she is forced to come to Westcrown on official business though more commonly the Winter Palace is used to house favored nobles of the realm as needed. It is also said to contain a tiny hellgate within its basement, where Thrune sorcerers can summon diabolic servants as needed. 

The Necropolis: Irreverent wags would say that the entire city of Westcrown is a graveyard for the relics of the Cheliaxian past, but the actual cemetary is staggering enough and is believed to inter the remains of over one million Wiscrani. Necromancers are a perpetual worry and a small detachment of Hellknights, supported by Asmodean Inquisitors regularly patrol the Necropolis, obtensibly to keep them out altogether, but many believe that it is merely to control the vile sorcerers, rather than obliterate them. 

The Sewers: The sewers of Westcrown run through the entire city and for the most part, are well-maintained, keeping the filth on Westcrown's streets to a relative minimum. They are  also, however, a perfect breeding ground for all manner of vermin as well as hiding places for criminals, runaway slaves and evil cults. There are rumours of a small portal to the Darklands underneath the Sewers of Westcrown. 

The Docks: Westcrown may be in many ways a declining city, but it still has a gigantic and bustling port and handles about half of all of Cheliax's foreign trade. Also in the Docks is the titanic Arsenal, the facility where the Dominator is slowly but surely being built, the all-steel dreadnought with eight magically-enhanced 15-inch cannon, with firepower sufficient to destroy entire cities. 

The Elven Quarter: Tucked deep into Westcrown, the relatively small Elven quarter, with a population of about 5,000 elves is mostly notable for also being the location of the Westcrown Academy of Magic, which is perhaps the most prestigious institution of magical learning in all of Avistan. It is at this institution that Amalas once studied underneath the legendary elven wizard Decius. 

The Golden City: The Golden City is sarcastically named, for it is a colossal walled slum, with the greatest population density in all of the Inner Sea area. Some 70,000 people live in this relatively tiny space, which for all intents and purposes functions seperately from the rest of Westcrown. Wiscrani authorities only enter the Golden City in force, and the Council of Thieves has an iron grip over this area of the city. It is in this hell on Earth that Cassidy was born and learned his trade as a rogue.

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